01: Time | Space | Detail: Understanding Shutter, Aperture and ISO
This assignment is about understanding the technical and creative relationship between the main camera controls:
Aperture | Shutter Speed | ISO
There will be 3 parts that need to be turned for this assignment:
PART 1: Project Proposal: (Due The End of Wk 2)
PART 2: Inkjet Prints (Due at the Time of the Critique)
PART 3: Digital Files (Turned In Via our Network SharePoint BEFORE CLASS!)
Note: You will now only make RAW IMAGES from here on out in this course.
This assignment is the template for the rest of the course. Pay attention to the workflow.
Assignment Description:
For this assignment you will need to make correct exposures (reading the camera meter) and make photographs that exhibit the main controls on your camera.
Think about Shutter and Time : You should make images that deal with movement, time, motion. Freezing action of Blurring motion will be keys to this.
Think about Aperture, the Amount of focus, proximity to your subject, and focal length : Make appropriate choices regarding depth of field, plane of focus, and foreground and background.
Think about ISO and light sensitivity: Keep in mind the amount of light available when thinking about setting your camera's ISO.
There are 3 Sets of Images you will need to make:
Set 1: Aperture (f-stop)
20 Photographs Exhibiting Creative Use and Technical Understanding of Aperture
The breakdown of your images should be as follows:
1/3rd shallow depth of field (f 2.8 – F5.6)
1/3rd medium depth of field (f 8 – f11)
1/3rd deep or long depth of field (f16-f32)
***You will also need to make a set of pictures (3) where the composition and critical plane of focus does not change but the aperture changes (equivalent exposures).***
You should highlight what The Photograph looks like at:
Wide open Aperture (f 2.8 – F5.6)
Medium open Aperture (f 8 – f11)
Closed down Aperture (f16-f32)
Set 2: Shutter
20 Photographs Exhibiting Creative Use and Technical Understanding of Shutter
The breakdown of your images should be as follows:
1/3rd fast shutter speed (1/1000th - 1/250th)
1/3rd medium shutter speed (1/125th-1/30th )
1/3rd slow shutter speeds (1/15th – 10” seconds)
**You will also need to make a set of pictures where the composition and critical plane of focus does not change but the shutter speed changes (equivalent exposures). **
You should highlight what The Photograph Looks Like at a fast Shutter Speeds, medium shutter speed, and Slow Shutter Speeds.
Set 3: ISO
20 Photographs Exhibiting Creative use and Technical Understanding of ISO
The breakdown of your images should be as follows:
1/3rd low ISO rating (ISO 100 – 400)
1/3rd medium ISO rating (ISO 400 -1600)
1/3rd high ISO rating (ISO 1600 – 12500)
**You will also need to make a set of pictures where the composition and critical plane of focus does not change but the ISO changes (equivalent exposures). **
You should highlight what The Photograph Looks Like at HIGH ISO Medium ISO and a LOW ISO.
You should be able to explain the reason for selecting the subject matter in each image.
i.e. Blurring the motion of a fast moving car was a great way to highlight a slow shutter speed.
A portrait of my sister is a great time to a use shallow depth of field because of the background was not in focus allowing me to concentrate of my sister's face.
Making pictures of the punk band in the basement with very low lighting was good time to use a high ISO so i could make a proper exposure.
We will have week-by-week lessons regarding the editing software, so bring new images each day to class.
Concept: Personal Introduction
You will use these 9 Photographs as a way to introduce us to who you are and how you want to operate as an artist.
You will need to to not only deal with the technical aspects of this assignment (See above) but you will also need to make 9 pictures that give us an idea of your interests, hobbies, possible career path, taste in movies, music you like. You will show us your friends, the places you hang out at, what you do (and if you do nothing make pictures of that), what you eat, where you work, and what you do. You spend the first assignment documenting your life, making constructions about it, and/or showing us the things you care about.
I would like to see you make interesting photographs of the world you live in. What music do you listen to? What do the parties you go to look like? Do you go to church? What are your hobbies? Does your current job look crazy? I want you to use any genre, approach, or technique to interpret your world through the photographic medium.
Still Live of all your swimming trophies.
Portrait of your little brother.
The car you and your mom work on together.
The morning of a deer hunt.
The floor of the Little Ceasar's that you work at.
An amazing portrait of your Pet ( ONE PET PHOTOGRAPH ONLY)
A landscape image of the house you grew up in.
A moody self-portrait (Please no blood in a tub or on the toilet, It has been done to death)
All your friends at a rave.
Your Warhammer 48K set-Up (If you or a friend has one of these, I would like to photograph it)
You will Make a list of 30 Things/Places/People you plan photograph. You will write one sentence explaining why you want to photograph each thing, and one sentence describing the way you will photograph that thing.
This will be turned in The End of Week 2.
PART TWO: Edit and Upload Digital Files
You will import and edit via Adobe Photoshop Lightroom:
You must Rank, Sort, and Edit all images that are going to be turned in as digital files.
Collections and Collections Sets must be made to organize your images.
You will make Exposure and Color Corrections at the very least. No file should be uploaded without doing image corrections.
These 60 images will be uploaded to the Networked Drive: ART -> DROPBOXES -> DropboxSchmitz
Before Critique! (See Export and DROPBOX PDF in the files section on Canvas)
This assignment will require you to turn in 60 Total Digital Images for Full Completion:
The folder structure should Be: LastNameFirstNameA01_Shutter--> With the 3 Category Folders inside.
Schmitz_Justin_A01 --> Aperture --> LastNameFirstNameA01_Aperture9034.jpg
ISO --> LastNameFirstNameA01_ISO4036.jpg
Shutter --> LastNameFirstNameA01_Shutter1111.jpg
9 INKJET PRINTS will be turned in at critique.
To be turned in during critique. You will need to use Adobe Lightroom to edit, sort, and print your images.
You will select 3 images from each set of the above digital files for make a total of 10 prints. (Select 1 personal favorite)
9 Total Prints:
3 Aperture ( 1: f2.8-f4 Wide Open | 1: f5.6- f8 Medium | 1: f11-f32 Closed down)
3 Shutter Speed (1: Stop Motion Fast Shutter | 1: Medium Speed Some Blur Some stopped motion- | 1: Blurred motion, Slow)
3 ISO ( 1 Low ISO, 1 Medium ISO, 1 High ISO )
Of these One set of three MUST be an equivalent exposure example set. The control you choose to do your equivalent is up to you. I can help you make that decision.
You should be able to highlight and explain the VISUAL function of Aperture / Shutter Speed / ISO. If you are still having trouble with these functions LET ME KNOW. You will need to understand these concepts for the rest of the class.